
    Pro-Palestinian protesters arrested at Yale

    Police arrested dozens of people at a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Yale University on Monday, just hours after Columbia University cancelled in-person classes.

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    The latest in the series of detaining peaceful pro-Palestine protesters comes from yet another University, just hours after Columbia University canceled in-person classes in response to protesters setting up tent encampments at its New York City campus last week.

    Demonstrators blocked traffic around Yale’s campus in New Haven, Connecticut, demanding the school divest from military weapons manufacturers, video footage aired on social media showed. Police arrested more than 45 protesters, according to the Yale Daily News, a student-run news site. Yale University officials did not respond to a request for comment.

    Protests at Yale, Columbia and other university campuses across the nation began in response to the latest escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, following the deadly cross-border raid by Hamas Islamist militants on Oct. 7 and Israel’s fierce response in the Gaza enclave controlled by Hamas.


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