
    Israeli attack on Gaza police vehicle kills 8

    Eight people believed to be law enforcement officers tasked with protecting aid have been killed in an Israeli army attack on their vehicle in Gaza City.

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    Eight people believed to be law enforcement officers tasked with protecting aid have been killed in an Israeli army attack on their vehicle in Gaza City.

    Israeli forces attack on a police vehicle that is believed to be one of the vehicles that was tasked with securing the delivery of aid, maintaining some sort of order and preventing chaos as aid makes its way to the northern part and Gaza City.

    Eight people have been killed, and they are all believed to be part of the law enforcement deployment that was tasked with this mission of protecting and securing aid in the Tuffah neighbourhood.

    It happened in the eastern part of Gaza City, a densely populated neighbourhood similar to Shujayea and other neighbourhoods.

    Within the past week, because of the intense bombing campaign and the ongoing artillery shelling in the area, the vast majority of the population in the area was forced into further internal displacement.


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