
    Officer Discharges Firearm in Juupajoki, Finland, Killing Suspect

    The Inner Finland's Police Department had a task to do as a result of a suspected crime related to life and health that occurred in a private residence in Juupajoki. The police were looking for a missing person suspected of a crime.

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    The Pirkanmaa Police Department responded to an incident involving a suspected crime against life and health at a private residence in Juupajoki. Police were searching for a suspect who was missing from the crime scene.

    The National Bureau of Investigation (KRP) has launched a preliminary investigation into the events that unfolded in Juupajoki, Pirkanmaa, following a violent crime incident.

    On Tuesday, April 16, at approximately 10:30 AM, police received a call to an apartment building in Juupajoki. Based on initial information, a suspected violent crime had occurred in the building. When police arrived at the scene, the suspect, a man born in 1977, had already left the area.

    The victim of the violent crime, a woman born in 1991, was known to the suspect. The victim sustained serious injuries in the incident.

    The suspect fled from the police and was apprehended a few hours later on road 66 in Ruovesi. The suspect was also searched for in the Mänttä-Vilppula area.

    Police used a spike strip to stop the vehicle. After the stop, the suspect fired at the police officers, and the officers were forced to use their firearms in the situation. The suspect sustained gunshot wounds in the incident. Police provided first aid to the suspect, but he died at the scene. No police officers were injured in the incident.

    The police were forced to close road 66 from Ruovesi to Juupajoki, from the Siikakankaantie and Penttilänperäntie junction to the Kallenautiontie and Asemantie junction. The road was closed for several hours.

    The current preliminary charges in the investigation include attempted murder, attempted manslaughter, endangering road safety, and firearms offenses. The charges and the number of suspected offenses may be clarified as the investigation progresses. In addition, the police are investigating the cause of death.

    “At this time, the police do not yet have information, for example, about the reasons for the events. Although the suspect is dead, the police will investigate the events of the act, the motives, and the background as thoroughly as possible. In addition, the police will investigate, among other things, whether there was any threat to bystanders during the escape,” says Detective Superintendent Jussi Luoto, the investigation leader from the National Bureau of Investigation.

    A preliminary investigation into the use of firearms by police officers has been initiated in accordance with the Preliminary Investigation Act. The investigation is being led by Special Prosecutor Jonna Ryynänen of the Office of the Prosecutor General.

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